I am a compiler engineer primarily focusing on program analysis and language theory. I am passionate about unraveling the intricacies of sound and usable program representation and transformations. Currently, I hold the position of a senior research engineer at Trail of Bits, where I am involved in multiple compiler-related projects (most of the work is open source, and you can explore these projects in greater detail in the Projects section).

I am on the verge of completing my Ph.D. candidacy, awaiting my defense, at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University in Brno. Throughout my academic journey, I have concentrated on the analysis and verification of C/C++ programs. My research has been primarily dedicated to enhancing the efficient representation of program inputs, especially nondeterministic data, for the purpose of verification. I’ve focused on the adaptation of existing techniques, such as symbolic execution and abstract interpretation, within the general framework LART – LLVM Abstraction and Refinement Tool. This framework harnesses the power of program instrumentation and compiler tools, making it simpler to design effective input data representations.

Feel free to delve deeper into my research and projects on this page, and don’t hesitate to reach out for collaboration or further discussion.


I engage in teaching at university, especially in courses on:

  • PB161 C++ programming,
  • IB002 algorithms and data structures,
  • IB111 foundations of programming,
  • IB102 automata and grammars,
  • PB152 operating systems,
  • IV112 parallel programming.

I am a co-author of exercise books for courses on algorithms and data structures and foundations of programming.


I actively engage in volunteering activities for high school students and puzzlehunt competitions. As a member of the Nordic Animals Association (IT student association that organizes events for high school students), I participate in the organization of:

  • KSI, a yearlong online seminar on computer science for high school students,
  • K-SCUK, a weeklong camp for students interested in computer science and/or biology,
  • InterLos, InterSob – puzzlehunt-like competitions.


  • SV-COMP 2019 – 2021 jury member of software verification competition


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Personal website of Henrich Lauko